They mention you've lately published Geek Sublime?
so long as it isn't penned in Greek sublime
if function derives from form form's sourced in grace
soul's swan gobbles worms alive by beak sublime
what's under the veil? brain-scrambling conceits
O rasik! hey kavi! take a peek sublime
when Hanuman jumped to Lanka in one bound
he glimpsed in the grove a fabled cheek sublime
they argued out Krishna's theft of butter so
was Mohan a glutton? or a sneak sublime?
with smackers long-sealed silence festers suspense
the sequel would be (if he should speak) sublime
in cyber-epochs the poets morph to sculptors
to typo is human but to tweak sublime
in irony's circus things turn topsy-turvy
the beauty is gruesome & the freak sublime
the sarangi's cry derived from one's own guts is
regardless if carved from tum or teak sublime
when Gautam beneath a tree gave wordless teaching
the lotus he raised showed the antique sublime
where feelings in coded gestures are perfected
her relish is bracing & her pique sublime
should Amazon drop your tome by drone we'd deem this
(in span of an hour & not a week) sublime
Earth's heirs are i.d.'d by trait in lieu of surname
Yeshu augured blessèd are the meek sublime
does loving derive from distance more than nearness?
what's found is banal but what we seek sublime
I'll grant Raphael's no Sanskritist but dig this!
plainchanting the T.O.C. of Geek Sublime
for Vikram Chandra