Sunday, April 7, 2019

Logging-Out [ghazal]

Simply to be at ease & not in pain   seems such a blessing
Simply to be not wholly down the drain   seems such a blessing

Requisite for accomplishment   is nuts & bolts survival?
Logging-out from concerns of loss & gain   seems such a blessing

Multiple worlds   the tragicomic soul perforce traverses
Knowing how God exists on every plane   seems such a blessing

From the first dawn   far destiny was marked upon my forehead
Feeling at length the marker's darkling stain
                                                                           seems such a blessing

Somebody zoomed to storied heights?   others fell off the radar?
Walking the hushed prosaic earth again   seems such a blessing

Well you might ask that painter Raphael   where did he wander?
Somewhere he's grinding plants for paint:  the twain
                                                                               seem such a blessing

[April 5, 2019]

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