Am I learning to love you day by day my friend?
might I cherish you in the stillness of my heart?
is our tale of timeless love without an end?
you discovered me by strange happenstance! we wend
an ineffable circuit tracing part by part
am I starting to love you day by day my friend?
though my poems be vague & paltry let me send
darkling ringlets of thought till ringing words impart
such a tale of timeless love as knows no end
didn't Hafez intone the heartbreak of the rend?
didn't Rumi each lambent round of longing chart?
am I growing to love you day by day my friend?
when our life meets with signs & portents that portend
beauty's arrows let loose like cupid's poison dart
is our tale of timeless love without an end?
in this universe who'll say what's comin' 'round the bend?
in this dream who sees what's the horse & where's the cart?
if I'm learning to love you day by day my friend
could our tale of love flow on without an end?
[line 10: "the rend" = the lover]