If you utter my name I vanish if you mention me not I'm there I'm Silencio if you're Spanish (or Italianized) in air I dangle with mystery's mist of all that is said I'm the gist!
That Pessoa has 1,001 "fans" at GoodReads seems a matter meriting mention in a poem though numeric signs be principally evocative (if the Thousand Nights & One Night of Arabia vaguely signify infinitude what good deeds get accomplished in the yammering of a yarn?) might the writing life induce pure meditation? or is thought forever wayward & untrained? certain puzzles only time might deign to parse (on the train of thought a vagabond could stow a slender volume wherein heart is strangely brained) you who fashion biblio-covers if you'd go a certain ways into the utterance of Pessoa would you greet the cosmic bingo as did Noah? fashion a ship sans need of welkin-hoisted sail twain by twain they enter rabbit tortoise snail
Cardinals seek a Pope who has charisma and toughness maybe it's time to nab James Dean or Henry Fonda but if they're no longer available? we'll have to rough this better draft a Pope who's drowning in Satchitananda!
Destroying the silent exhibition the sound-check proceeded in the space the music resounded with precision the silence retreatedin its place there blossomed a tsumami orchestrated on a laptoporigami calibrated might be folded in such manner as this sound that unfolding in such silence might astound
================ For Carl Stone, who wrote (in a Facebook status update):
for tomorrow's concert will take place today. Why so early? Because the
museum has a show in the daytime, title : "SILENCE"
A symposium on cybernetics & soul at the Tokyo Palace in Paris? an announcement seen on my laptop screen in a pre-dawn hour in Los Angeles for what world is the soul preparing us while somewhere a bird is chirping? been watching a Robbie Basho clip as seen on TV last century